Official Election Complaint

Posted: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 by Pezzonovante in Labels: , , , , ,

Here is a link to the Official Complaint (corrected copy) filed with the Fayette County Election Bureau/Board on Monday, September 10, 2018.  The complaint is replete with Pennsylvania Election Code citations and corroborating evidence.  However, for more than one month, the complaint has been neglected by the Fayette County Election Board -- now comprised of the three Fayette County Commissioners (Angela M. Zimmerlink, Chair, Vincent A. Vicites, Dave Lohr) -- which has a mandatory duty to investigate the complaint under 25 P.S. § 2642(i).

The law is unequivocal:  

25 P.S. § 2642:The county boards of elections, within their respective counties, shall exercise, in the manner provided by this act, all powers granted to them by this act, and shall perform all the duties imposed upon them by this act, which shall include the following:

(i) To investigate election frauds, irregularities and violations of this act, and to report all suspicious circumstances to the district attorney.

The election board remains in dereliction of its duty under law to investigate the complaint and will remain so until it performs its duty as prescribed by law.

Audio Update:

By scrolling to the 23:36 mark, You can listen to this writer's call made to WMBS 590AM "Hot Topics" hosts Phil Michael and Kendall Sisler explaining the topic of the Fayette County Election Board's non-investigation of the official election complaint filed Monday, September 10, 2018.

Update 1:  Republican complaint filed by PA state Republican Committee Chairman Val DiGiorgio on August 8, 2018 and heard September 10, 2018.  Allegations referred to the Office of Fayette County District Attorney by the Fayette County Voter Registration Commission (Angela M. Zimmerlink, Chair, Attorney Herbert G, Mitchell, Jr., Attorney Mark Rowan).

Update 2:  Democrat complaint filed by Fayette County Democrat Chairman George Rattay on August 16, 2018 and heard on September 10, 2018.  The attorney for the Democrat Committee and Chairman George Rattay failed to provide any statutory citation -- either under the Voter Registration Act or the Pennsylvania Election Code -- under which the Voter Registration Commission/Election Board would have jurisdiction to investigate the allegations made in the complaint.  The Voter Registration Commission (Angela M. Zimmerlink, Chair; Attorney Herbert G, Mitchell, Jr.; Attorney Mark Rowan) dismissed the complaint due to lack of jurisdiction.