Attempt At Truth

Posted: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 by Pezzonovante in Labels: , ,

Another attempt at truth was made today on WMBS' "Hot Topics" program hosted by Phil Michael and Kendall Sisler.

This space believes WMBS Radio's responsibility to its listeners is to report all the news factually.  In that vein, WMBS' non-reportage on the filing of an official complaint on September 10, 2018 and the non-reportage of the subsequent dereliction of duty of the Fayette County Election Board to investigate the complaint was called into question on today's "Hot Topics" program.

This space disagrees with the notion that truth-telling is somehow not positive.

This space disagrees with the notion that seeking for the rule of law to be upheld (and for equal justice under law to reign) is somehow negative. 

This writer's comments begin approximately at the 24:24 mark.
