Official Complaint Filed

Posted: Friday, September 21, 2018 by Pezzonovante in Labels: , ,

On Monday, September 10, 2018, in the immediate aftermath of the Voter Registration Commission hearing, an Official Complaint was filed with the Fayette County Election Bureau(FCEB)/Board.  The complaint and a follow-up letter sent to the attention of FCEB Director Larry Blosser asks the board to fulfill its duty under 25 P.S. § 2642(i) to conduct an investigation into the alleged election fraud and perjuries of the current 51st Legislative District Democrat Nominee and ex-State Rep. Timothy S. Mahoney.

25 P.S. § 2642:The county boards of elections, within their respective counties, shall exercise, in the manner provided by this act, all powers granted to them by this act, and shall perform all the duties imposed upon them by this act, which shall include the following:

(i) To investigate election frauds, irregularities and violations of this act, and to report all suspicious circumstances to the district attorney.

The complaint informs the election board of the yet-sealed Fifth Presentment of Fayette County Grand Jury No. 2  which may pertain to one of the election-related referrals made by a 3-0 unanimous vote of the board on May 24, 2012 and referred to then-District Attorney Jack R. Heneks, Jr.  Subsequently, then-DA Heneks incorporated the three referrals into his Application to impanel Fayette County Grand Jury No. 2.

As with the two other complaints filed this year, this space expects nothing less from the Fayette County Election Board than a full, fair, and impartial investigation of the matter and for equal justice under law.